

During this year 2015, from January the 100 one-day international matches were played among the 14 teams in which the 95 match were result producing and 5 match were a draw. Afghanistan played 10 matches, won 3 matches 7 matches lost. Afghanistan’s success ratio was 30 %. Australia played 13 matches, won 11 matches, one match draw match so Australia success ratio was 91.66%. Bangladesh played 15 matches won 10, losing 5 match Bangladesh's success ratio 66.66 %. 
England played 17 matches, won 7 matches, lost 9 matches and one match was a draw England’s success ratio was 41%. India played 18 matches, won 11, lost 6 matches and a match being a draw India's success ratio is 64.70 percent. Ireland played 11 matches, won 5 matches, lost 4 matches and 2 matches were a draw Ireland’s success ratio is 55.55%. New Zealand played 23 matches, won 16 matches, losing 6 matches and one match was a draw New Zealand’s success ratio of 72.72%. 
Pakistan played 19 matches, won 9, lost 9 matches and one match was a draw so Pakistan's success ratio is 50 %. Scotland played 10 matches, won one match, lost 8 matches and one match was a draw Scotland’s success ratio was 11.11 %. South Africa played 16 matches, won 10 matches and with loosing 6 matches South Africa's success ratio was 62.50 %. 
Srilanka played 18 matches, won 7 matches, with loosing 10 matches and one match was a draw SriLanka’s success ratio was 41.17%. UAE played 6 matches and lost all matches so the success ratio of UAE was 0%. West Indies played 12 matches, won 4 and lost 8 matches West Indies success ratio is 33.33 percent. Zimbabwe played 12 matches, won one, lost 9 matches and one match was a draw success ratio is 9.09 percent of Zimbabwe.